Hello 👋

Gaëtan Grond

I am Gaëtan, a software developer and CTO at Front Desk a French startup specialized in the creation of digital tools for the hospitality buisness.

Who am I 👨‍💻

I shifted my career from hospitality to software development in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In 2020 I graduated from a 1 year IT school in Paris (France) with OpenClassrooms and I am currently working as a CTO at Front Desk.

What I write about ✍️

You can find my articles on https://gaetangrond.me/ where I write about software development, security, tech and my journey as a entrepreneur and CTO.

My projects 🚀

I am the creator of Front Desk App a French webplateform with digitaltools for hospitalities professionals.

Launched in late 2021 it is used by major hotels compagnies such as Accor, Louvres Hotel, Mariotte International, Best Western and much more.

The platform is built using Django and Django Rest Framework for the backend and Flutter for the mobile app and soon the web app and desktop app.

Jobs 💼

Not available: Currently not looking for a new job or freelance contract.

Get in touch 📫

I do not use social media but you can contact me by email at [email protected] or on LinkedIn.