Picking the Right Flutter Packages

Choosing the right packages for your Flutter project is a crucial part of the development process, failing to pick the right packages can lead to a lot of headaches down the road. Most frameworks and languages have a package manager, Python has pip, JavaScript has npm, and Dart has pub. ...

December 15, 2023 · 3 min · Gaëtan Grond

Keep Your App Updated on Users Device

One of the most frustrating thing I found when I started developing mobile apps is that update are often not installed by users, web app in comparison are always up to date and does not require any action from the user. This is a problem especially when you have a new app and are pushing a lot of bug fixes and new features, fortunately there is a solution. ...

September 3, 2023 · 4 min · Gaëtan Grond

When to Use Flutter for the Web

One of the biggest advantages of Flutter is that it allows you to build apps for multiple platforms from a single codebase and the web is one of them. A lot of beginners seem to be confused about when to use Flutter for the web and if they can use it to build a website, landing page or blog, although Flutter for the web is production-ready since version 2.0 (early 2021) it does lack some features and is not suitable for all types of apps, so let’s see when to use Flutter for the web. ...

August 27, 2023 · 5 min · Gaëtan Grond

Common Problem and useful tips in Flutter

Introduction After working for more than a year with Flutter, I have encountered a lot of problems and errors that I had to solve either by myself or by searching for solutions online, here is a list of the most common problems and useful tips that I have encountered while working with Flutter. ...

August 19, 2023 · 10 min · Gaëtan Grond

Using Your Django Local Server for Flutter

When working with Flutter and Django you will often need to test your app with a local server before shipping it to production, this seems like a simple task but it can be tricky to make it work with simulators. In this article, I will show you how to use your Django local server for Flutter and how to make it work with simulators in IOS and Android. ...

August 8, 2023 · 3 min · Gaëtan Grond

Create a Circular List Tile Progress Indicator in Flutter

I was working on a checklist screen app for my startup and wanted to make a visual representation of the percentage of tasks done for each checklist with the least amount of code possible and external dependencies. I came up with this solution that uses a Stack widget and a CircularProgressIndicator widget. ...

August 5, 2023 · 2 min · Gaëtan Grond

Flutter Useful Commands

Introduction When developing a Flutter app, you will need to run a series of commands to build, test, and deploy your app. This article will cover some of the most useful Flutter commands that you will need to know and serve as a reference for my future self and anyone else who might find it useful. ...

July 30, 2023 · 2 min · Gaëtan Grond